Films & Reports

"Qi Dance"– LES TEMPS DU CORPS & EKTA Asia Management 2012

Snow Dance

Qi Dance at Jingchan Temple

Qi Dance at Kongfu&Dance Sports Shanghai Academy

English French

"Shanghai Waiting for Paradise (Shanghai en attendant le paradis... 方浜路的等待)"– In the year 2001, the Wang family (3 generations of Chinese living under one roof in the old city of Shanghai) are suddenly confronted by the imminent demolition of their home.
Over a 5 year period - until 2006, Sylvie Levey will film the intimacy of these seemingly ordinary people, whose world is confined within a few meters square on a street corner in downtown Shanghai.

English French

"High Crimes in Shanghai(Crimes suprêmes à Shanghai)" – a 56'  film broadcasted on FRANCE 2 (French Public Channel). Produced by Roche Productions. 2005.
A documentary about the daily life (and "re-education") of three female prisoners on death row in Songjiang prison (Shanghai suburb).


For more than 2 years, Sylvie Levey negotiated with the Chinese Authorities the possibility to film in prison, the story of women condemned for « high crimes » (murder or drogue traffic).

Finally, she was allowed to get into the Women Prison of Songjiang, in the suburb of Shanghai.

An, Liu, Long belong to the 900 prisoners of Songjiang (a jail built in 1996, which is not the most modern one in China, nor the worst one of course). They have accepted to share (under the surveillance of the guards) their story (from their childhood to the moment of the tragedy).

Through that film, we approach actual problems of the Chinese society: conjugal violence’s, precariousness of female migrants in metropolitans, temptation for drogue dealings and easy money to survive…

“High Crimes” in Shanghai will also open an exceptional window on daily live in a Chinese prison: Life in cells, compulsory work, military discipline alternating with leisure time, and… the famous “gai zao” – the re-education of the soul.  

For the ones who finally won’t be condemned to death after their 2 years of “suspended sentence”, this re-education surprisingly quite paternalist (the main subject of the film actually) has - as an ultimate aim, the “re-integration” of the criminals into the society.


  • Awarded “LES ETOILES DE LA SCAM” prize (May 2006)
  • Awarded the best documentary film prize at the Festival of Scoop & Journalism in Angers (December 2004)
  • Get a copy of the film, please contact Mrs Dominique Tibi at Roche Productions, 45 rue de Louvain. 92400 COURBEVOIE. FRANCE. Tel: (+33) (0)1 43 34 07 12.

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"The Academy for Elite in China
(Anthony Béchu & son académie rouge)"
(Celap) - a 2'30 report for ARTE (the French German channel). 2005
The French Architect Anthony BECHU introduces his lastest masterpiece in Shanghai - a giant university building for China’s elite in Pudong district.


  • ARTE : 4, Quai du Chamoine Winterer. BP 20035 F-67080 STRASBOURG CEDEX. FRANCE

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"China : the New Face(Chine : l’autre visage)" - a 26' report aired by FRANCE 3 (French Public Channel 3) in the program "Des Racines & des Ailes".
Produced by GALAXIE Presse. 2002.

A report at the famous Hospital No.9 in Shanghai about the incredible fascinationfor plastic surgery among the 18-23 year old Chinese girls and… boys.


  • Galaxie Presse: Mr Bernard Vaillot. 76, rue du Faubourg Saint Denis. 75010 PARIS. FRANCE.
    Tel: (+33) (0)1 44 83 07 27.

English French

"The Unique Destiny of Colonel Jin Xing
(L’étrange destin du Colonel Jin Xing)"
– a 52'  film aired on FRANCE 2
Program "A Contre-Courant". Produced by SUNSET Presse TV & ARTE. 2001.

A documentary chronicling the extraordinary story of Jin Xing - the famous dancer-choreographer … a former Colonel in the People's Liberation Army who became China's most emblematic transsexual.

  • Awarded  "Prix Special du Jury - FIGRA 2002" (Festival international du grand reportage)
  • Nominated for "Prix Albert Londres 2001" in its short version (a 26 minute story)
  • Numerous broadcastings abroad .
  • SUNSET PRESSE TV: Mr Arnaud Hamelin
    Tel : (+33) (0)1 41 31 65 65. 98, route de la Reine. 92 100 BOULOGNE. FRANCE.

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"China : Schooled for Success
(Chine : à l’école de la réussite)"
- 26’ report on FRANCE 3 in the program "Des Racines & des Ailes". Produced by SUNSET Presse TV. 2000. 
An investigation into Shanghai’s new school year; from one of the most expensive boarding schools for 2 year old kids to a conventional primary school, and even including  an illegal school for children of migrants.


  • SUNSET PRESSE TV: Mr Arnaud Hamelin 75010 Paris. France.
    Tel : (+33) (0)1 41 31 65 65. 98, route de la Reine. 92 100 BOULOGNE. FRANCE. . Email:

English French

" Shanghai, the City of Desire
(Shanghai, la ville de tous les désirs)"
–a 86’ film on FRANCE 3. Broadcast on the program "HORS-SERIE". Produced by CAPA. 2000.

A portrait of Shanghai entering the new millennium. The story told through a diverse set of characters … a millionaire … an illegal migrant working on skyscrapers … a photographer of the city’s historical area being expelled from his ancestor’s villa days before the demolition of the entire street … a young couple about to be married

  • Numerous broadcastings abroad
  • CAPA: Mr Pascal Manoukian, 80, rue de la Croix Nivert. 75015 PARIS. FRANCE
    Tel: (+33) (0)1 40 45 47 00.

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"The Golden Babies(Les bébés en or)" - a 26’ broadcast on
FRANCE 3 ("Des Racines & des Ailes").  Produced by CAPA. 1999

A look into the highly sensitive single-child policy in China. Filmed in Shanghai; Sichuan’s peasant communities;and among the secret brotherhoods of the Miao minority groups in Guangxi.


  • Numerous broadcastings abroad.
  • CAPA: Mr Pascal Manoukian, 80, rue de la Croix Nivert. 75015 PARIS. FRANCE
    Tel: (+33) (0)1 40 45 47 00.

Chinese French

"The Tang Saga(La Saga des Tang)" - a 26’ report on M6 (private channel), broadcasted on the program “Capital”. Produced by Emmanuel Chain. 1996.

A portrait of the Tang Brothers – one of the most successful families among the Chinese Diaspora in Europe. An in situ report (Paris & in Beijing) on China’s overseas investments, including an exclusive interview with Li Lanqing, China’s deputy Prime Minister in charge of foreign trade.


  • M6 : C.Productions. 89, avenue Charles de Gaulle. 92 575 NEUILLY SUR SEINE CEDEX. FRANCE.
    Tel (+33) (0)1 41 92 68 08

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«Shanghai Facelift(Adieux aux Lilong; «Beijing’s Underground Artists( Les artistes des Hutong; «The Exodus of 160 million Chinese Peasants (Yang, le flottant)»

Three 16’ reports on ARTE (the French-German Channel), broadcasted in the program “Transit”. Produced by Tetra Media. 1995 (under the pseudonym of Anastasia Guillory)
Three investigations concerning social issues in three different regions of China:
* The last days of a family in the former French Concession of Shanghai before the demolition of their old neighbourhood on the behalf of modernization…
*A portrait of several “underground” painters in Beijing - the way they live, their perceptions of the new Chinese society…
* The story of a migrant from Shaanxi province who leaves his village for Xian to look for a job – his dreams, his realities, his frustrations…

  • TETRA MEDIA – MAI JUIN PRODUCTIONS : Mr Gilles de Maistre 57, ave de la Grande Armée. 75016 PARIS. FRANCE
    Tel : +33 (0)1 53 64 63 70.

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"Harbin’s White Diamonds(Les diamants blancs d’Harbin)" - a 13’ report on FRANCE 3, broadcasted in the program “Faut pas rever”. Produced by France 3/”Faut pas rever” Magazine. 1994.
A winter report in Heilongjiang (formerly Manchuria) during the ‘Ice Festival’ – a seriies of portraits of Chinese people building giant  outdoor sculptures; after a brief historical introduction of Harbin – a “fusion” city.



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" Longjing Tea(Le thé Longjing)" - a 13’ report on FRANCE 3, “Faut pas rever” Magazine.
A 1993 report on Chinese peasants in Hangzhou (Zhejiang province) … their way of life … and the secrets of their famous Longjing tea production techniques


  • France 3/Faut pas rever: France 3, 7 esplanade Henri de France. 75 907 PARIS CEDEX 15. FRANCE. Tel : (+33) (0)1 56 22 74 50